이것을 다운받아 u Torrent 프로그램을 이용해 원본 파일을 다운받으면 된다. 물론 어느 누군가가 원본 파일을 공유하고 있어야 한다. u Torrent 프로그램 사용법과 트래커 업데이터에 관한 글이 바로 아래에 있다.
[Windows 7]
Windows 7 Starter x86 ko_windows_7_starter_k_x86_dvd_x15-69383.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Starter x86 KN ko_windows_7_starter_kn_x86_dvd_x15-69384.iso.torrent
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Windows 7 Professional x64 ko_windows_7_professional_k_x64_dvd_x15-65854.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Enterprise x86 ko_windows_7_enterprise_k_x86_dvd_x15-72823.torrent
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 ko_windows_7_enterprise_k_x64_dvd_x15-72824.torrent
Windows 7 Enterprise x86 KN ko_windows_7_enterprise_kn_x86_dvd_x15-71520.torrent
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 KN ko_windows_7_enterprise_kn_x64_dvd_x15-71524.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x86_dvd_x15-65969.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x64_dvd_x15-65970.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 KN ko_windows_7_ultimate_kn_x86_dvd_x15-65971.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 KN ko_windows_7_ultimate_kn_x64_dvd_x15-65972.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 Black Edition Windows_7_x86_Ultimate_K_Black_Edition.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Black Edition Windows_7_x64_Ultimate_K_Black_Edition.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 Chiwoo Edition ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x86_dvd_By_ChiWoo.iso.1.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Chiwoo Edition ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x64_DVD_By_Chiwoo.iso.1.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 GIFT5 CW Edition (자동인증)
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 H Edition (자동 인증) H_edition_First_test.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (자동인증, 무인설치) GRMCKULFRER_KO_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (자동인증, 무인설치) GRMCKULXFRER_KO_64_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (자동인증, 무인설치, 한/글2007, 오피스 2007 포함)
http://md.egloos.com/img/eg/icon_file.gif) no-repeat left 50%; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none; moz-background-clip: border; moz-background-origin: padding; moz-background-inline-policy: continuous" href="http://pds17.egloos.com/pds/200912/17/85/Windows_7_ULTIMATEK_X86_KR_DVD.iso.torrent" player="0"> Windows_7_ULTIMATEK_X86_KR_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86x64 (자동인증) ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x86x64_GIFT_T.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO + Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise AnonymousFINAL.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO + Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (자동인증)
Windows 7 AIO x86 (Enterprise 포함, 단축키 수정본) + Windows XP (By Snoopy)
http://md.egloos.com/img/eg/icon_file.gif) no-repeat left center; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0pt; PADDING-TOP: 0pt; moz-background-clip: border; moz-background-origin: padding; moz-background-inline-policy: continuous" href="http://pds15.egloos.com/pds/200909/30/85/XPSEVEN%28ZANGZIP090930%29.torrent" player="0">XPSEVEN(ZANGZIP090930).torrent
Windows Small Business Server 2008 Standard
Windows Server 2008 Standard Enterprise and Datacenter with sp2 x86
Windows Server 2008 Standard Enterprise and Datacenter with sp2 x64
Windows Server 2008 Standard Enterprise and Datacenter without Hyper-V with sp2 x86
Windows Server 2008 Standard Enterprise and Datacenter without Hyper-V with sp2 x64
Windows Web Server 2008 sp2 x86
Windows Web Server 2008 sp2 x64
Windows Server 2008 r2 Standard Datacenter Web x64
Windows Server 2008 x86x64 통합본 snoopy_SERVER_2008_FINAL.iso.torrent
Window 7 Ultimate x86x64 (통합본, Dell OEM) http://md.egloos.com/img/eg/icon_file.gif) no-repeat left center; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0pt; PADDING-TOP: 0pt; moz-background-clip: border; moz-background-origin: padding; moz-background-inline-policy: continuous" href="http://pds15.egloos.com/pds/200909/21/85/MSDN_Windows7_x86x64_Ultimate_%28Dell_OEM%29.iso.torrent" player="0">MSDN_Windows7_x86x64_Ultimate_(Dell_OEM).iso.torrent
(Dell OEM, 자동인증) Win7_7600._16385_x86x64_DellOEM.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Dell HP Gigabyte OEM 통합본 x86 ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x86_dvd_x15-65969_OEM.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86x64 (JUNE 편집본, 메인보드에 따라 자동인증될 수도 있음)
Windows 7 22in1 (22개 통합본, 다이어트 버전) DIET_22in1_KO_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 22in1 (22개 통합본) WIN7_22in1_KO_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 22in1 (22개 통합본, 윈도우즈 단축키 문제 해결본, 9월 1일까지 HotFix 포함본)
http://md.egloos.com/img/eg/icon_file.gif) no-repeat left center; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0pt; PADDING-TOP: 0pt; moz-background-clip: border; moz-background-origin: padding; moz-background-inline-policy: continuous" href="http://pds16.egloos.com/pds/200909/21/85/ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x86x64%2822in1%29_withhotfix_0901_Bugfix.iso.torrent" player="0">ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x86x64(22in1)_withhotfix_0901_Bugfix.iso.torrent
Windows 7 9in1 (9개 통합본, 윈도우즈 단축키 문제 해결본, 9월 1일까지 HotFix 포함본)
http://md.egloos.com/img/eg/icon_file.gif) no-repeat left center; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0pt; PADDING-TOP: 0pt; moz-background-clip: border; moz-background-origin: padding; moz-background-inline-policy: continuous" href="http://pds17.egloos.com/pds/200909/21/85/ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x86x64%289in1%29_withhotfix_0901_Bugfix.iso.torrent" player="0">ko_windows_7_ultimate_k_x86x64(9in1)_withhotfix_0901_Bugfix.iso.torrent
Windows 7 11in1 (11개 통합본) WIN7_11in1_AIO_KO_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 11in1 (11개 통합본, 단축키 패치, 무인설치) KOR_WIN7_AIO_FINAL_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 7in1 (무인설치, 자동인증) + XP Professional Lite (무인설치, 자동인증)
Windows 7 AIO + Windows XP sp3 x86 (Windows 7, Windows XP 통합본)
(자동인증) AIO_DXW7_DVD_Personal_Edition_B20100101B_KO_by_haerong.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO + Windows Vista sp2 AIO + Windows XP (비스타는 초기 화면은 영어이나 재부팅하면 한글로 나옴) AIO_Worldwide_B20090910_KO.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO + Vista + XP + Server 2008 R2 WIN7nVSTnXPnSVR228IN1.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO x86 (윈도우 단축키 수정본) ko_windows_7_wow_x86_dvd_x15.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO x86 (자동인증) mg_windows_7_k_x86_c7_auto_dvd.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO x64 '윈도우 단축키 수정본) ko_windows_7_wow_x64_dvd_x15.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO x64 (자동인증) mg_windows_7_k_x64_c7_auto_dvd.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO x86 (한국어, 영어, 중국어, 일본어 통합본) MW_WIN7_AIO_x86_4LP_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO x64 (한국어, 영어, 중국어, 일본어 통합본) MW_WIN7_AIO_x64_4LP_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 4개 언어 통합판 (한국어, 영어, 일본어, 중국어) x86x64 MW_WIN7_AIO_4LP.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO + Server 2008 r2 4개 언어 통합판 (한국어, 영어, 일본어, 중국어)
Windows 7 AIO + Server 2008 r2 win7_win2k8r2.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO (자동인증) MW_WIN7_AIO_FINAL_FF_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO (자동인증, 영어판 포함) http://md.egloos.com/img/eg/icon_file.gif) no-repeat left center; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0pt; PADDING-TOP: 0pt; moz-background-clip: border; moz-background-origin: padding; moz-background-inline-policy: continuous" href="http://pds17.egloos.com/pds/200911/05/85/MW_WIN7_AIO_FINAL_2LP_FF_DVD.iso.torrent" player="0">MW_WIN7_AIO_FINAL_2LP_FF_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO (A.I. 마지막 버전 포함, 자동인증) MW_WIN7_AIO_FINAL_A.I_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO (A.I. GIFT 포함, 자동인증) MW_WIN7_AIO_GIFT_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO (한글/영어판) MW_WIN7_AIO_FINAL_KE_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO (한글/일어판) MW_WIN7_AIO_FINAL_KJ_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 (윈도우7 + 윈도우7N + 윈도우서버R2) 4개국언어(한국어, 영어, 일본어, 중국어)
(총 120경우 선택 가능) MW_WIN7_SVR_AIO_4LP_FINAL_DL.iso.torrent
Windows 7 (윈도우7 + 윈도우7E + 윈도우 7N + 윈도우서버R2) 4개국언어(한국어, 영어, 일본어, 중국어)
Windows 7 AIO + Server 2008 R2 (30 in 1) 72008_30in1_KO_DL.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO (x86x64, K 버전, KN 버전, Enterprise 제외, 30in1, 자동인증 안됨)
듀얼 DVD용 WIN7R2_K_KN_DVD_1IN30_ACT.iso.torrent
싱글 DVD용 (DVD 2장 구성) WIN7R2_K_KN_DVD_1IN30_ACT1.iso.torrent
일반 CD용 (CD 8장 구성) WIN7R2_K_KN_CD_1IN30_ACT.rar.torrent
Windows 7 AIO + Vista sp2 + XP sp3 dWindows_7_Vista_XP_Touch_AIO.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO (자동인증) + XP sp3 (자동인증) Touch_WIN7_A.I_GIFT_Edition_XP.iso.torrent
Windows 7 AIO (자동인증) Touch_Windows_7_A.I_GIFT_Edition_Rev.iso.torrent
Windows 7 9in1 (자동인증) MG_WINDOWS_7_K_AIO_9IN1_C7_AUTO_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 11in1 (자동인증) WIN7_AIO_KO_11in1_GIFT3_Auto_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows 7 HP OEM AIO x86x64 HPQ7_AIO_KO.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86x64 + XP Professional sp3 Windows_7_XP.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Professional (비인증) + 한글 Photoshop CS4 (인증) + 한글 Autocad 2010 (인증) + 3DS Max 2010 (인증)
Windows 7 AIO (K, KN버전 포함, 자동인증) + Server 2008 R2 (자동인증)
Windows 7 + Vista + XP + Server 2008 R2 WIN7nVSTnXPnSVR228IN1.iso.torrent
Windows PE (Windows 7 포함) Grub4Dos.Jjk.iso.torrent (사용법) guide.pdf
Windows 7 AIO x86 (Enterprise 제외, 자동인증 안됨, 일반 CD 4장으로 구성되어 있어 공CD를 이용해 설치 가능)
Windows 7 AIO x64 (Enterprise 제외, 자동인증 안됨, 일반 CD 4장으로 구성되어 있어 공CD를 이용해 설치 가능)
※ SLIC 2.1을 지원해주는 삼성 컴퓨터에 설치하면 OEM 인증 자동으로 된다.
삼성컴퓨터용 Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SECW7KORUL.iso.torrent
삼성컴퓨터용 Windows 7 Professional x86 SECW7KORPR32.iso.torrent
삼성컴퓨터용 Windows 7 Home Premium x86 SECW7KORHP32.iso.torrent
※ Sysprep 버전 (만능고스트와 비슷)
Windows 7 Ultimate x86x64 + Windows XP sp3 W7XP_SYSPREP.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 + Windows XP sp3 7x86_SYSPREP.iso.torrent
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 + Windows XP sp3 7x64_SYSPREP.iso.torrent
Windows 7 PE + Windows XP sp3 + 응용프로그램 KSH_WIN_GHO_XP.iso.torrent
[Windows Vista]
Windows Vista Enterprise sp2 x86 ko_windows_vista_enterprise_k_with_sp2_x86_dvd_x15-40287.torrent
Windows Vista Enterprise sp2 x64 ko_windows_vista_enterprise_k_with_sp2_x64_dvd_x15-40433.torrent
Windows Vista AIO x86x64 MW_VISTA_AIO_KO_DVD.iso.torrent
Windows Vista Ultimate sp2 x86 (KN버전 포함)
Windows Vista Ultimate sp2 x64 ko_windows_vista_k_with_sp2_x64_dvd_x15-36350.iso.torrent
Windows Vista Ultimate sp2 x64 KN ko_windows_vista_kn_with_sp2_x64_dvd_x15-36351.iso.torrent
Windows Vista AIO + XP + 그외 AIO_DOSW2KXPVISTA_B20090920_by_haerong.torrent
Windows 7 XP Mode and Virtual PC MSDN Windows_7_XP_Mode_and_Virtual_PC_MSDN.torrent
[Windows XP]
Windows XP Professional sp3 x86 ko_windows_xp_professional_k_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_.torrent
Windows XP Professional sp2 x64 A9787DBA1B45FF68CC2C3F7389477BC6B01AD524.torrent
Windows XP Home Edition xp3 x86
한글판 / 영어판 Windows 98SE, 2000, 2003 Server, XP 22가지 버전
Windows Server 2003 + XP + 그외 AIO_DXW2003SP2ENT_DVD_B20090905_by_Haerong.torrent
Windows XP Professional sp3 OEM 15종류 (15 in 1) xp_pro_k_sp3_oem_15in1.iso.torrent
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+ Norton Ghost 부팅 모드 + 파티션 매직 부팅모드 + 응급 부팅 모드 Windows_XP_SP2_W.iso.torrent
[Windows PE]
Windows 7 PE WIN7_PE.iso.torrent WIN7_PE_TOOLS.iso.torrent
Windows 7 + XP + Util GRUB4DOS_USB_WIN_UTIL.iso.torrent
Windows 7 PE + Windows 7 x86 (만능고스트, 미인증) + Windows XP x86 (만능고스트, 자동인증)
Windows 7 PE + Windows 7 x64 (만능고스트, 미인증) + Windows XP x86 (만능고스트, 자동인증)
Windows 7 PE + 7 AIO (자동인증) + mini XP Windows_Multi_Bootable_DVD_v10.0.iso.torrent
Windows XPE http://md.egloos.com/img/eg/icon_file.gif) no-repeat left center; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0pt; PADDING-TOP: 0pt; moz-background-clip: border; moz-background-origin: padding; moz-background-inline-policy: continuous" href="http://pds15.egloos.com/pds/200909/26/85/WinPE.by.aTHeNe20%282009.09.23%29.torrent" player="0">WinPE.by.aTHeNe20(2009.09.23).torrent
Windows XP PE USB용 (용량 106M) LEEPEE.iso.torrent
Windows Vista PE VistaPE-Kor.iso.torrent
Windows XP, Vista 합본 GRUB4DOS.iso.torrent
[Windows Server 2003 R2]
Enterprise, Enterprise sp2 x64, Standard, Standard sp2 x64 (CD 8장) Windows_Server_2003_R2.torrent
[MS Office 2007]
MS Office Enterprise 2007 MS_Office_Enterprise.rar.torrent
MS Office Enterprise 2007 (sp1, sp2 포함) MS_Office_2007_Enterprise_With_SP1.torrent
MS Office Enterprise 2007 with sp2 Office_2007_with_Service_Pack_2_VL_12in1_Dongtie_2.torrent
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